应bat365在线唯一官网登录副院长阮新波教授邀请,欧洲电力电子中心主席、德国科学院院士Leo Lorenz教授,于2015年5月13至16日来我校交流访问,并在13号楼204教室为电气工程系的广大师生讲授了《Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices, challenges in Applications》(先进功率半导体器件及其在应用中所面临的新挑战)系列课程。报告会由阮新波副院长主持,电气工程系共有160多名师生积极参加了本次学术交流与专业课程。
专业课程内容包括Basics about Power Semiconductor Devices(功率半导体综述)、Basic Understanding of Power Semiconductor Device Physics(功率半导体器件物理释义)、Fast Switching Power Diode-FRED-Diode(基于快速开关的功率二极管)、Unipolar Device Concept-Power MOSFET(单极型器件-MOSFET)、Unipolar Device Concept based on SiC Material(基于SiC材料的单极型器件)、MOS-controlled Bipolar Model Device-IGBT(MOS控制双极性器件-IGBT)等若干个部分。
Leo Lorenz教授介绍:
LEO LORENZ received the M.Eng. degree from Univ. of Berlin Germany in 1976 and the PhD. degree (first class Hons.) from University of Munich in 1984. Dr. Lorenz is Founder of ECPE (European Center of Power Electronics) and since the foundation in 2003, he is the president of this organization. He is currently Technology Advisor for New Power Semiconductor Devices at Infineon Technologies Munich. In this field, he has published more than 400 Journal/conference papers and is the owner of more than 40 patents. Dr. Lorenz received several times the best paper Award at IEEE Conferences. He received the Siemens Innovation Award In 1996, 98 and 99, and in 2002 he received the Innovation Award from the German Industry Society. Beside these he received several high level IEEE Awards e.g. IEEE-ISPSD Outstanding Contributory Award in 2010 (Japan), the IEEE- Gerald Kliman Innovator Award in 2011 (USA) and the IEEE- William E. Newell Power Electronics Award in 2012 (USA).
“Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices, Challenges in Applications”:The subject aims to introduce students to new power semiconductor device technologies with a focus on fast switching devices and the management of parasitic and limits on their applications. This course help the students have an understanding of the important power devices utilized in various fields and realize the major challenges in application. The course will include the following topics:
1. Basics about power semiconductor devices
2. Basic understanding of Power Semiconductor Devices Physics
3. Fast switching Power Diode (FRED-Diode)
4. Unipolar Device Concept (Power MOSFET)
5. Unipolar Device Concept based on SiC material
6. MOS-controlled Bipolar model device (IGBT)
5月14日上午9:00~12:00 13号楼204教室
5月15日上午9:00~12:00 13号楼204教室
5月16日上午8:30~11:30 13号楼204教室