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故障诊断与容错控制领域国际著名权威学者Ronald J. Patton教授访问bat365官网并做学术报告

作者:自动控制系 审核人: 访问量:1607发布时间:2019-06-26

2019625日上午9:30,故障诊断与容错控制领域国际权威学者Ronald J. Patton教授应邀在将军路校区bat365在线唯一官网登录1号楼403会议室做题为Fault-Tolerant Control, viewed as a Robust Control Design Problem的学术报告,会议由bat365在线唯一官网登录齐瑞云教授主持,bat365在线唯一官网登录部分师生参加了报告会。





Ron J. Patton was born in Peru in 1949. He graduated at Sheffield University with BEng, MEng, PhD degrees in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Control Systems. Ron holds the Chair in Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering at Hull University and has made a substantial contribution during 38 years to the field of modelling and Robust methods for FDI/FDD (fault detection and isolation/fault detection and diagnosis) and Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) in dynamic systems. He has Hirsch Index h_58 and is author of 428 papers, including 158 archival journal papers and 5 books.  Ron is Subject Editor of the Wiley Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing. He has served on editorial boards of several other Journals in Control Engineering.  During 1996-2002 Ron chaired the IFAC Safeprocess Technical Committee providing the mechanism for running of the 2006 IFAC Safeprocess 2006 Symposium held at Tsinghua University. Ron coordinated the EU research projects IQ2FD [1997-2000] and DAMADICS [2000-2004] and contributed to FP6 NeCST [2004-2007] and FP7 ADDSAFE [2010-2013], as well as to 13 UK research council grants. Current research interests are: Robust multiple-model and de-centralized strategies for FDI/FDD & FTC and Renewable Energy including mitigation of unbalanced loads in wind turbines and wave to wire control of wave energy conversion. He is Life Fellow of IEEE, Senior Member of AIAA and Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control.

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