2021年1月21日上午,香港城市大学Gang Feng 教授应邀通过腾讯会议作了题为“How to Write a Quality Paper”的学术报告。报告由bat365在线唯一官网登录副院长陈谋教授主持,学院40余位师生在将军路校区bat365在线唯一官网登录4号楼507会议室现场参会,另外60余位师生在线参加了本次报告会。
Gang Feng教授首先对高质量科技论文应有的基本架构进行了简要介绍,并强调论文的系统性与规范性对科技论文质量的重要性。
接着,Gang Feng教授对如何撰写一篇高质量科技论文的脉络进行了梳理,主要包括摘要、引言、问题阐述、主要结果、应用实例、结论以及工作展望,其中着重强调了论文核心创新点的重要性,并对如何在撰写过程中对其简洁直观地阐述进行了详细描述。
随后,结合学生在撰写论文时常遇到的一些问题,Gang Feng教授通过对比的方法给出了规范的示例。最后,Gang Feng教授在参考文献、书写、语言等方面的一些细节问题上进行了相应分析和阐述。
学术报告后,参会的师生对于Gang Feng教授报告的内容进行提问,得到了Gang Feng教授的详细解答。
Gang Feng received the B.Eng and M.Eng. Degrees in Automatic Control from Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, China in 1982 and in 1984 respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 1992.
Professor Feng was a Lecturer in Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 1991 and a Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, University of New South Wales, 1992-1999. He has been with City University of Hong Kong since2000 where he is now Chair Professor of Mechatronic Engineeri. He was ChangJiang Chair Professor, awarded by Ministry of Education. He has received Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award, and several best paper awards in international conferences. He has also received the Presidents's Award and Outstanding Research Award from City University of Hong Kong. He is listed as a SCI highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics, 2016-2020. He is an author of one research monograph entitled Analysis and Synthesis of Fuzzy Control Systems: A Model Based Approach, and over 350 SCI indexed papers including over 140 in IEEE Transactions and over 40 in Automatica. His rescarch interests include intelligent systems and control, networked control systems, and multi-agent systems and control. Professor Feng is a fellow of IEEE. He has been an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Mechatronics, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, and Journal of Control Theory and Applications. He is on the advisory board of Unmanned Systems.